DRCAT Resource Catalogue
Bioinformatics Web-based Data Resources
0, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- 2dpage - 2D-PAGE proteome database system for microbial research
- 3dgenomics - 3D-Genomics database of structural annotations for proteomes
- 3did - 3DID database of 3D interacting domains
- 3dmet - 3DMET
- 4dxpress - 4DXpress cross species gene expression pattern database
- 5srrna - 5S rRNA database
- a1atvar - A1ATVar A1-antitrypsin database
- aarhus_ghent-2dpage - Human keratinocyte 2D gel protein database from Aarhus and Ghent universities
- abcdb - Archaeal and bacterial ABC transporter database (ABCdb)
- abs - ABS database of binding sites from orthologous promoters
- aceview - AceView genes database
- aclame - ACLAME classification of mobile genetic elements
- affindb - Affinity database (AffinDB) for protein ligand complexes
- aftol - Assembling the Fungal Tree of Life (AFTOL) database
- agd - Ashbya genome database (AGD)
- allergome - Allergome; a platform for allergen knowledge
- amypdb - Amyloid precursor proteins database (AMYPDB)
- anpr - Arabidopsis nucleolar protein database (ANPR)
- antibodypedia - Antibodypedia database of antibodies to human proteins
- antijen - AntiJen database for peptides binding to immunity related proteins
- anu-2dpage - Australian National University 2-DE database (ANU-2DPAGE)
- aphidbase - Aphid genome database (AphidBase)
- apid - Agile protein interaction data analyzer (APID)
- eupathdb - Apicomplexan database resources (ApiDB)
- apidb_cryptodb - Cryptosporidium genome resources (CryptoDB)
- apidb_plasmodb - Plasmodium genome resources (PlasmoDB)
- apidb_toxodb - Toxoplasma genome resources (ToxoDB)
- apidb_trichdb - Trichomonas genome resources (TrichDB)
- apidb_tritrypdb - Kinetoplastid genome resources (TritryPDB)
- apidb_giardiadb - Giardia genome resources (GiardiaDB)
- appadb - Pristionchus.org P. pacificus database (AppaDB)
- arachnoserver - ArachnoServer
- arac-xyls - AraC-XylS database of a family of Helix-Turn-Helix transcription factors from bacteria
- aramemnon - ARAMEMNON database of plant membrane proteins
- archdb - ArchDB database of loop structures
- argonaute - Argonaute database of mammalian microRNAs regulatory function
- arrayexpress - ArrayExpress repository for microarray data
- asap - Systematic annotation package for community analysis of genomes (ASAP)
- asc - Active sequence collection (ASC)
- aspicdb - Alternative splicing prediction database (ASPICdb)
- astd - Alternative splicing and transcript diversity (ASTD) database
- atcc - American type culture collection database (ATCC)
- atcc_in_host - American type culture collection database (ATCC)
- atcc_dna - American type culture collection database (ATCC)
- atsd - Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases database (ATSD)
- athamap - AthaMap database of Arabidopsis TFBS predictions
- autopsi - AutoPSI database of predicted SCOP classifications
- axeldb - Axeldb database of gene expression in Xenopus laevis
- balibase - BAliBASE benchmark alignment database
- bcsdb - BCSDB database of bacterial carbohydrate structures
- bdgp_est - Berkeley Drosophila genome project EST database (BDGP_EST)
- bdgp_ins - Berkeley Drosophila genome project database: insertion (BDGP_INS)
- bgee - Bgee database for gene expression evolution
- bindingdb - BindingDB database of measured binding affinities
- biocyc - BioCyc collection of Pathway/Genome Databases
- biogrid - BioGRID
- biomodels - BioModels database of annotated published models
- bionumbers - BioNumbers
- biosystems - BioSystems
- bipa - BIPA database for interaction between protein and nucleic acid
- bloodexpress - BloodExpress database of gene expression in mouse heamatopoesis
- blotbase - BlotBase Northern blots database
- bndb - Biochemical network database (BNDB)
- bold - Barcode of Life database (BOLD)
- brenda - BRENDA comprehensive enzyme information system
- brix - BriX classification of protein fragments
- buchnerabase - BuchneraBase database of Buchnera species
- butterflybase - ButterflyBase database of comparative Genomics of Lepidoptera
- cabri - Common Access to Biotechnological Resources and Information (CABRI)
- cadre - Central aspergillus data repository (CADRE)
- cangem - CanGEM database of clinical tumor samples and microarray data
- catdb - Complete Arabidopsis transcriptome database (CATdb)
- cath - CATH protein structure classification database
- catma - Arabidopsis transcriptome microarray database (CATMA)
- cazy - Carbohydrate-active enzymes database (CAZy)
- cbs - Genome atlas database (CBS)
- cc+ - CC+ database of coiled-coil structures
- ccap - Culture collection of algae and protozoa (CCAP)
- cellcycledb - Cell cycle database (CellCycleDB)
- celllinedb - Cell line database (CellLineDB)
- cellmint - CellMINT database of protein localization and interactions
- centrosome:db - Centrosomal proteins database (Centrosome:db)
- cephdb - CEPH genotype database (CEPHdb)
- cg - Comparative genometrics (CG) database
- cdd - Conserved domain database (CDD)
- cgd - Candida genome database (CGD)
- chebi - Database of chemical entities of biological interest (ChEBI)
- chembl - ChEMBL
- chemidplus - ChemIDplus
- citexplore - CiteXplore literature database
- cleanex - CleanEx database of gene expression profiles
- clima - Database for cell line integrated molecular authentication (CLIMA)
- clustr - CluSTr protein classification database
- cmr - Comprehensive microbial genome resource (CMR)
- cogeme - Phytopathogenic fungi and oomycete EST database (COGEME)
- colibase - ColiBase Enterobactericaiae genome database
- cmd - Collagen Mutation Database (CMD)
- columba - Columba protein structure annotation database
- compluyeast-2dpage - COMPLUYEAST-2DPAGE database
- conoserver - Cone snail toxin database (ConoServer)
- consensuspathdb - ConsensusPathDB database of human functional interaction networks
- corg - Comparative regulatory genomics database (CORG)
- corum - CORUM comprehensive resource of mammalian protein complexes
- coryneregnet4 - CoryneRegNet 4.0 cornyebacterial gene regulation database
- cosmic - Catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer (COSMIC)
- cornea-2dpage - Human cornea 2-DE database (Cornea-2DPAGE)
- crest - Crop ESTs database (CREST)
- crisprdb - Database of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRdb)
- csa - Catalytic site atlas (CSA)
- csdbase - Database of cold shock domain (CSD)-containing proteins (CSDBase)
- ctd - Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)
- cuticledb - Structural proteins of the arthropod cuticle (CuticleDB)
- cyclebase - CycleBase cell cycle database
- cygd - Comprehensive yeast genome database (CYGD)
- cymobase - Database for cytoskeletal and motor proteins (CyMoBase)
- cytokine - Cytokine gene polymorphism database
- dali - Dali database of 3D structure alignments
- dbali - DBAli structure alignment database
- dbd - Transcription factor prediction database (DBD)
- dbest - dbEST database of EST sequences
- dbprobe - NCBI Probe database of nucleic acid reagents (dbProbe)
- dbsnp - Database of single nucleotide polymorphism (dbSNP)
- ddbj - DNA databank of Japan (DDBJ)
- degradome - Degradome database of mammalian proteases and diseases
- diamond - Blackfan Anemia mutation database (Diamond)
- diark - diArk eukaryotic genome research database
- diatom - Diatom EST database
- dictybase - Dictyostelium discoideum online informatics resource (dictyBase)
- dima - DIMA domain interaction map
- dip - Database of interacting proteins (DIP)
- diprodb - Dinucleotide property database (DiProDB)
- disprot - Database of protein disorder (DisProt)
- dnareplication - DNA replication database
- dockground - Dockground database for molecular modelling of protein interactions
- domino - DOMINO domain peptide interactions database
- doop - Database of orthologous promoters (DoOP)
- dosac-cobs-2dpage - DOSAC-COBS 2D-PAGE database
- dpdb - Drosophila polymorphism database (DPDB)
- dpvweb - DPVweb database of plant viruses
- dqcs - The Database of Quantitative Cellular Signaling
- drc - Database of ribosomal crosslinks (DRC)
- drugbank - DrugBank drug and drug target database
- dsd - Database of dehydrogenase stereospecificities (DSD)
- dsmm - Database of simulated molecular motions (DSMM)
- dssp - DSSP secondary structure database
- dynaprot - DynaProt 2D proteome database of Lactococcus lactis
- eased - EASED database
- ecid - E Coli predicted protein interactions database (EcID)
- eco2dbase - 2D-PAGE database of Escherichia coli
- 2dbase-ecoli - 2D-PAGE database of Escherichia coli
- ecogene - EcoGene database of Escherichia coli sequence and function
- echobase - EchoBASE: an integrated post-genomic database for E. coli
- emap - Edinburgh Mouse Atlas project database (emap)
- eds - Electron density server at Uppsala university (EDS)
- ega - European genome-phenome Archive (EGA)
- eggnog - Database of evolutionary genealogy of genes: non-supervised Orthologous Groups (eggNOG)
- elm - Eukaryotic linear motif resource (ELM)
- embl - The EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (EMBL)
- emdb - Electron microscopy databank (EMDB)
- emglib - Enhanced microbial genomes library (EMGlib)
- ena - European nucleotide short read and trace archive (ENA)
- endonet - Endocrine networks database (EndoNet)
- ensembl - Ensembl eukaryotic genome annotation project
- ensembl-genome - Ensembl-Genome
- ensemblbacteria - Ensembl bacterial genome annotation project
- ensemblfungi - Ensembl gungial genome annotation project
- ensemblmetazoa - Ensembl invertebrate metazoan genome annotation project
- ensemblplants - Ensembl plant genome annotation project
- ensemblprotists - Ensembl protist genome annotation project
- enzyme - Enzyme nomenclature database (ENZYME)
- epd - Eukaryotic promoter database (EPD)
- eric - Enteropathogen resource integration center (ERIC)
- esldb - Eukaryotic subcellular localization database (eSLDB)
- esp-soldb - Genomic generic database applied to tomato fruit quality (ESP-SOLDB)
- esther - ESTHER database on alpha/beta hydrolases
- euhcvdb - European Hepatitis C virus database (euHCVdb)
- europhenome - EuroPhenome mouse phenotype resource
- everest - Evolutionary ensembles of recurrent segments (EVEREST)
- explorenz - ExplorEnz enzyme database
- exprot - Database for proteins with an experimentally verified function (EXProt)
- extopodb - Experimentally derived topological models of transmembrane proteins (ExTopoDB)
- eyesite - EyeSite eye protein database
- facd - Familial cancer database (FaCD)
- fantom_db - Database of functional annotation of mammalian Genome (FANTOM_DB)
- fastdb - Friendly alternative splicing and transcripts database (FASTDB)
- fcp - Functional coverage of the proteome (FCP)
- fgdb - Fusarium graminearum genome database (FGDB)
- findbase - FINDBase
- firedb - Database of functionally important residues from protein structures (FireDB)
- flagdb++ - FLAGdb++ a database for the functional analysis of the Arabidopsis genome
- flight - FLIGHT database integrating genomic and high-throughput data
- flybase - FlyBase database of genetic and molecular data of Drosophila
- flymine - FlyMine Drosophila genome database
- flysnp - SNPs database for Drosophila (FLYSNP)
- flytf - FlyTF Drosophila Site-Specific Transcription Factor Database
- flyview - FlyView database
- fpspd - Functional protein sequence pattern database (FPSPD)
- funcoup - FunCoup database
- fungalgenomesize - Fungal genome size database
- funpep - FUNPEP information system for "low complexity sequence regions"
- funshift - FunShift database
- funsimmat - FunSimMat database of semantic and functional similarity
- funybase - FUNYBASE fungal phylogenomic database
- fusiondb - FusionDB database of bacterial and archaeal gene fusion events
- g2cdb - Genes to cognition database (G2Cdb)
- gabipd - GabiPD: primary database of plant integrative biology
- gabi-kat - GABI-Kat tags mutagenised A. thaliana
- gbiffi - Global biodiversity information facility, Finland (GBIFFI)
- gdb - Human Genome Database (GDB)
- genatlas - GenAtlas human gene database
- genbank - GenBank nucleotide sequence database
- genbank-dbsts - STS database maintained at the NCBI (dbSTS)
- gene3d - Gene3D structural and functional annotation of protein families
- geneannot - Affymetrix probe-sets database (GeneAnnot)
- genecards - GeneCards database of human genes, protein and diseases
- genedb - GeneDB database from Sanger Institute Pathogen Sequencing Units
- genedb_spombe - Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome database (GeneDB_Spombe)
- geneexpressiontooth - Gene expression in tooth database
- genefarm - GeneFarm annotation of Arabidopsis thaliana gene and protein families
- geneid - GeneID database of genes from NCBI RefSeq genomes
- geneloc - GeneLoc map for human chromosomes
- genenest - GeneNest transcript clusters
- genenote - GeneNote human genes and their expression profiles
- genesapiens - GeneSapiens human transcriptome database
- genesnps - SNPs Program at the University of Washington (GeneSNPs)
- genetide - GeneTide database
- genetree - GeneTree
- genevestigator - Genevestigator
- genolevures - Genolevures 18 yeast genomes
- genolist - GenoList comparative analysis of microbial genomes
- genomereviews - GenomeReviews database of completely sequenced genomes
- genomicthreadingdatabase - Genomic threading database
- genomernai - GenomeRNAi database
- germlinep53mutations - Germline p53 Mutations database
- germonline - Gametogenesis and reproductive tissue expression
- glycatebase - GlycateBase glycation prediction
- glycomedb - Glycome database
- glycosuitedb - GlycoSuiteDB glycan database
- go - Gene ontology
- goa - Gene ontology annotation database for UniProt (GOA-UniProt)
- gold - Genomes database
- golddb - GOLDDB database of genomics of lipid-associated disorders
- gopubmed - GoPubMed ontology-based literature search
- gpcrdb - Information system for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
- gpcr_nava - GPCR natural variants database
- glycosciencesdb - Glycosciences database
- gpdb - A database of G-proteins,GPCRs,effectors and their interactions
- gramene - Gramene database for comparative grass genomics
- greenphyldb - A phylogenomic database for plant comparative genomics
- grin - Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)
- gydb - Gypsy database of mobile genetic elements
- h-invdb - H-InvDB integrated database of human genes and transcripts
- haemb - Haemophilia B Mutation Database
- hamap - High-quality automated and manual annotation of microbial proteomes (HAMAP)
- hamasters - Haemophilia A FVIII mutation database (HAMASTERS)
- hcad - Human chromosome aberration database (HCAD)
- hepseq - HepSeq international repository for Hepatitis B virus strain data
- hervd - Human endogenous retrovirus database (HERVd)
- hgdp-ceph - HGDP-CEPH diversity panel database (HGDP-CEPH)
- hgmd - Human gene mutation database (HGMD)
- hgnc - Human gene nomenclature database (HGNC)
- hgt-db - Horizontal gene transfer-database (HGT-DB)
- hgvbaseg2p - Human Genome Variation database of Genotype-to-Phenotype information (HGVbaseG2P)
- hic-up - Hetero-compound information (HIC-Up)
- hmtdb - Human mitochondrial genomic database (HmtDB)
- hogenom - Database of homologous sequences from complete genomes (HOGENOM)
- hoinvgen - Homologous invertebrate genes database (HOINVGEN)
- hovergen - Homologous vertebrate genes database (HOVERGEN)
- homeoboxpage - HomeoboxPage homeobox gene page
- homomint - HomoMINT inferred human protein interaction network
- homstrad - Homologous structure alignment database (HOMSTRAD)
- hoppsigen - Homologous processed pseudogenes database (Hoppsigen)
- horde - Human olfactory receptor data explorer (HORDE)
- hotsprint - Computational Hot Spots of Protein Interfaces (HotSprint) database
- hpa - Human protein atlas (HPA) of expression and localization of proteins
- hs3d - Homo sapiens splice sites dataset (HS3D)
- hssp - Homology-derived secondary structure of proteins database (HSSP)
- htpselex - HTPSELEX database of high-throughput SELEX libraries for transcription factor binding sites
- huge - Human unidentified gene-encoded large proteins database (HUGE)
- humanpax6 - Human PAX6 allelic variant database (HumanPAX6)
- hmdb - Human Metabolome Database (HMDB)
- humanmtdb - Human mitochondrial genome database (HumanMtDB)
- husida - Human siRNA database
- hvrbase++ - HvrBase++ phylogenetic database for primate species
- hypercat - Bacillus cereus group Typing Database (HyperCAT)
- hypercldb - HyperCLDB cell line database
- iarctp53 - IARC TP53 mutation database
- idbases - IDbases immunodeficiency mutation databases
- idbases-btkbase - BTKbase database of X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) mutations
- imgt - The international immunogenetics database (IMGT)
- imgt_hla - IMGT database of human MHC
- imgt_3dstructure-db - IMGT 3D structure database for immunoglobulins (IG), T cell receptors (TR), MHC and RPI
- imgt_gene-db - IMGT gene database for immunoglobulins (IG) and T cell recetors (TR)
- imgt_ligm - IMGT nucleotide sequence database for immunoglobulins (IG) and T cell recetors (TR)
- imgt_primer-db - IMGT primer database for immunoglobulins (IG) and T cell recetors (TR)
- infevers - Familial mediterranean fever (FMF) mutations database (INFEVERS)
- inparanoid - Inparanoid orthologs database
- intact - IntAct protein interaction database and analysis system
- integr8 - Integr8 genome and proteome database
- integrall - INTEGRALL integron integrases and gene cassettes
- intenz - Integrated relational enzyme database (IntEnz)
- interpro - InterPro integrated database of protein families, domains, regions, repeats and functional sites
- icd - International Classification of Diseases
- icds - Interrupted coding sequences (ICDS)
- ipd - Immuno polymorphism database (IPD)
- ipd-estdab - Immuno polymorphism EST database (IPD-ESTDAB)
- ipd-hpa - Immuno polymorphism human platelet antigens database (IPD-HPA)
- ipd-kir - Immuno polymorphism killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like receptor database (IPD-KIR)
- ipd-mhc - Immuno polymorphism major histocompatibility complex database (IPD-MHC)
- ipi - International protein index (IPI)
- irefindex - iRefIndex index of consolidated protein interactions
- iresdb - Internal ribosome entry site database (IRESdb)
- iresite - Database of experimentally verified IRES structures (IRESite)
- isfinder - Insertion sequence elements database (ISfinder)
- isola - Italian Solanaceae genome resource (ISOLA)
- its2 - Internal transcribed spacer 2 sequences (ITS2)
- ittaca - Integrated tumor transcriptome array and clinical data analysis (ITTACA)
- iupac - IUPAC nomenclature database
- iuphar-db - IUPHAR database
- ixdb - Integrated X chromosome database (IXDB)
- jail - JAIL structure-based interface library for macromolecules
- jaspar - JASPAR eukaryotic transcription factor binding profiles
- jcm - Japan collection of microorganisms
- jenalib - Jena library of biological macromolecules (JenaLib)
- jpgv - Jena prokaryotic genome viewer (JPGV)
- jws - JWS Online
- karyotypedb - Karyotype features from different animals and plants
- kegg - Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG)
- kdd - Kidney development database
- kinmutbase - KinMutBase registry of disease-causing mutations in protein kinase domains database
- kinomer - Kinomer database
- knottin - KNOTTIN database
- l1base - LINE-1 human and rodent
- leger - LEGER genome database for Listeria research
- legiolist - Legionella pneumophila genome database
- leproma - Mycobacterium leprae genome database
- lgicdb - Ligand-gated ion channel database (LGICdb)
- ligasite - Ligand attachment site database (LigAsite)
- lipidbank - LipidBank
- lmsd - LIPID MAPS Structure Database (LMSD)
- lipaseengineering - Lipase engineering database
- lumbribase - Lumbricus rubellus genome project database
- maizegdb - Maize genetics and genomics database (MaizeGDB)
- mamep - Molecular anatomy of mouse embryo project (MAMEP)
- mampol - Mammalia polymorphism database (MamPol)
- mapu - Max-Planck unified proteome database (MAPU)
- matdb - Arabadopsis genome database (MAtDB)
- matrixdb - MatrixDB
- macie - Mechanism, annotation and classification in enzymes (MACiE) database
- medobis - Mediterranean ocean biogeographic information system (MedOBIS)
- megx - MeGX marine microbial ecological genomics database
- mmmp - Melanoma Molecular Map Project (MMMP) i
- mepd - Medaka expression pattern database (MEPD)
- merops - MEROPS peptidase database
- metacrop - MetaCrop database of metabolic pathways in crop plants
- metagrowth - MetaGrowth database of culture conditions of obligate parasitic bacteria
- metal-macie - Metal-MACiE database of metals involved in biological catalysis
- methdb - MethDB DNA methylation database
- mfungd - MIPS mouse functional genome database (MfunGD)
- mgi - Mouse genome database (MGD) from Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI)
- micado - Microbial advanced database organisation (Micado)
- modeldb - ModelDB
- mmdb - Molecular Modeling DataBase (MMDB)
- mtrdb - Microorganisms tandem repeats database
- mim - Online Mendelian inheritance in Man (OMIM)
- mint - Molecular interaction Database (MINT)
- mipsplantsdb - MIPS plants database
- mirbase - miRBase database
- miriam - MIRIAM resources
- mirortho - miROrtho animal microRNA database
- monosaccharidedb - Monosaccharide database
- mmruv - MMR Gene Unclassified Variants Database
- mitodrome - OXPHOS genes in Drosophila
- mitop2 - Mitochondrial proteome database
- mitores - MitoRes resource for mitochondria-related genes, transcripts and proteins
- mlvabank - Bacterial MLVA-genotyping service (MLVAbank)
- mmsinc - MMsINC chemoinformatics database
- mncdb - MNCDB Neurospora crassa genome database
- modbase - ModBase database of comparative protein structure models
- modomics - Database of RNA modification pathways
- moka - MoKCa database of mutations of kinases in cancer
- molligen - MolliGen Mollicutes database
- mosaic - MOSAIC bacterial genome comparison database
- mosdb - MOsDB rice genome database
- mousesage - MouseSAGE serial analysis of gene expression database
- mousebook - MouseBook data from MRC Harwell
- mpact - MPact: Representation of Interaction Data at MIP
- mugen - MUGEN mouse database
- mumdb - MIPS Ustilago maydis Database (MUMDB)
- myhits - MyHits protein domains database
- naproc-13 - NAPROC-13 natural products 13C NMR database
- narcisse - Narcisse mirror view of conserved synteny
- nbrc - NITE biological resource center
- ncl - NCL Mutation Database
- ncrnas - ncRNAs database
- nembase - NEMBASE database for analysis of nematode ESTs
- nesbase - NESbase database of leucine-rich nuclear export signals
- neuromorpho - NeuroMorpho
- neurondb - NeuronDB
- nextbio - NextBio gene-centric data for human, mouse, rat, fly, worm and yeast
- nextdb - Nematode expression pattern dataBase (NextDB)
- nextprot - neXtProt; the human protein knowledge platform
- niaest - NIA mouse cDNA project
- nmpdr - National microbial pathogen
- nmrshift - NMRShift database of organic structure NMR spectra
- nopdb - Nucleolar proteome database (NOPDB)
- norine - NORINE database of nonribosomal peptides
- npc-db - Niemann-Pick Type C mutations
- npd - Nuclear protein database (NPD)
- nrestdb - Natural rubber EST database (NRESTdb)
- nrsub - Non-Redundant B.subtilis database (NRSub)
- nurebase - Nuclear receptor database (NUREBASE)
- oglycbase - O-GlycBase database
- ogp - Oxford glycoProteomics 2-DE database (OGP)
- oma - Identification of orthologs from complete genome data (OMA database)
- optic - Orthologous and paralogous transcripts in clades (OPTIC) database
- orenza - Database of orphan enzyme activities (ORENZA)
- orphanet - Orphanet portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs
- orthodb - Orthologous groups database (OrthoDB)
- orygenesdb - Database for rice reverse genetics (OryGenesDB)
- oryza - Oryza tag line
- osteogenesis - Osteogenesis imperfecta and type III collagen mutations
- p53famtag - p53FamTaG direct target genes
- pairsdb - PairsDB BLAST and PSI-BLAST alignments
- pandit - Protein and associated nucleotide domains with inferred trees (PANDIT)
- pandora - PANDORA visualization and annotation for protein sets
- panther - Protein analysis through evolutionary relationships (PANTHER)
- parameciumdb - Database for the model organism Paramecium tetraurelia (ParameciumDB)
- pathema - Pathema: a clade-specific bioinformatics resource
- pathoplant - PathoPlant database of plant-pathogen interactions and Arabidopsis expression
- cpath - Pathway Commons database
- pathway_interaction_db - NCI-Nature pathway interaction database
- pdb - The RCSB Protein Data Bank
- pdbe - PDBe protein structure database in Europe
- pdbfinder - PDBFINDER reformatted PDB files
- pdbfun - PDBfun annotated protein structures
- pdb-redo - PDB-redo database of re-refined PDB entries
- pdbreport - Structure validation reports for PDB entries (PDBREPORT)
- pdbselect - PDBselect database of representative PDB chains
- pdbsum - PDBsum overview of macromolecular structures
- pdbtm - Transmembrane proteins from PDB (PDBTM)
- ped - Pancreatic expression database (PED)
- pedant - PEDANT3 protein extraction, description and analysis tool
- pepseeker - PepSeeker database of proteome peptide identifications for investigating fragmentation patterns
- peptaibol - Peptaibol database of natural fungal peptides
- peptideatlas - PeptideAtlas peptide database
- peptidedb - PeptideDB database of bioactive signaling peptides
- peroxibase - PeroxiBase peroxidase family database
- peroxisomedb - Peroxisome database (PeroxisomeDB)
- pespotdb - Pepspot database (PespotDB) of peptide chip data
- pfam - Pfam protein domain database
- pgn - Plant Genome Network (PGN)
- pharmgkb - The pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics knowledge base (PharmGKB)
- phenomicdb - PhenomicDB cross-species genotype/phenotype database
- phci-2dpage - Parasite host cell interaction 2D-PAGE database (PHCI-2DPAGE)
- phi-base - PHI-base pathogen host interactions database
- phosphat - Arabidopsis experimental phosphorylation sites database (PhosPhAt)
- phosphoelm - PhosphoELM database of S/T/Y phosphorylation sites
- phospho3d - PHOSPHO3D structures of phosphorylation sites
- phosphopep - PhosphoPep database of MS-derived phosphorylation data from 4 organisms
- phosphosite - Phosphorylation site database
- phossite - Phosphorylation site database for Archaea and Bacteria
- phylomedb - PhylomeDB database of phylogenetic trees for all proteins
- phylopat - PhyloPat database of phylogenetic patterns
- phytoprot - PhytoProt protein clusters database
- pips - Human protein-protein interaction prediction (PIPs)
- pir - Protein sequence database of the Protein Information Resource (PIR)
- pirsf - PIRSF whole-protein classification database
- plantdnac-values - Plant DNA C-values database (PlantDNAC-values)
- plantsnorna - Plant snoRNA database
- plantcare - Plant cis acting element
- plantmarkers - PlantMarkers database of predicted molecular markers from plants
- plant-pis - PLANT-Pis database for protease inhibitors and their genes in higher plants
- plantprom - PlantProm database of experimental plant promoter and transcription start site
- plasmodraft - Predictions of Plasmodium falciparum gene function
- plmitrna - PLMItRNA database of tRNAs in plant mitochondria
- plprot - Plastid proteins database (Plprot)
- pmap-cutdb - PMAP-CutDB proteolytic event database
- pmdb - Protein model database (PMDB)
- polymorphix - Polymorphix intraspecific sequence polymorphism database
- pomamo - PoMaMo potato maps database
- ppd - PPD protein pKa values database
- ppnema - rRNA genes from plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNEMA)
- pptasedb - Prokaryotic protein phosphatase database (PptaseDB)
- predict - preDiCT database of drug effects on the heart
- pride - PRIDE proteomics identifications database
- prints - PRINTS protein motif fingerprint database
- prism - Prism protein interaction by structural matching
- probebase - probeBase database of rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes
- procmd - ProCMD 3D protein C mutations database
- procognate - PROCOGNATE ligand domain mapping for enzymes
- prodom - ProDom protein domain database
- prodoric - PRODORIC prokaryotic database of gene regulation
- promec - PromEC verified E. coli promoters
- promex - ProMEX protein mass spectral library
- prophecy - PROPHECY profiling of phenotypic characteristics in yeast
- prorule - ProRule collection of rules based on PROSITE predictors
- prosas - Protein Structure and Alternative Splicing database (ProSAS)
- prosat2 - PROSAT2 protein structure annotation tool
- prosite - A Database of protein domains, families and functional sites
- protclustdb - Entrez Protein Clusters
- proteinmodelportal - Protein Model Portal of the PSI-Nature Structural Biology Knowledgebase
- protonet - ProtoNet automatic hierarchical classification of proteins
- protepedia - Protepedia collaborative 3D protein encyclopedia
- proteus - Protein terminus short linear sequences
- pseudobase - PseudoBase RNA pseudoknots database
- pseudocap - PseudoCAP pseudomonas genome database
- pstiing - Protein, signalling, transcriptional interactions and inflammation networks gateway (pSTIING)
- ptch - PTCH mutation database
- pubchem - PubChem
- pubmeth - PubMeth reviewed methylation database in cancer
- pmma-2dpage - Purkyne Military Medical Academy 2D-PAGE database
- rat-heart-2dpage - 2-DE database of rat heart, at German Heart Institute Berlin, Germany
- ratmap - RATMAP rat genome database
- rdg - Rat genome database (RDG)
- rb1genemutation - RB1 gene mutation database (RB1GeneMutation)
- reactome - Reactome knowledgebase of biological pathways
- rebase - REBASE restriction enzymes and methylases database
- redidb - RNA editing database (REDIdb)
- refseq - NCBI reference sequences
- repairtoire - REPAIRtoire DNA repair pathways
- reproduction-2dpage - REPRODUCTION-2DPAGE database
- resid - RESID database of protein modifications
- retroryza - RetrOryza database of rice LTR retrotransposons
- rfam - RNA families database of alignments and CMs
- rgd - Rat genome database
- rhea - Rhea
- rouge - Rodent unidentified gene-encoded large proteins database (Rouge)
- rissc - Ribosomal internal spacer sequence collection (RISSC)
- rna-frabase - RNA FRABASE database
- rnavirusdb - RNA virus genome database (RNAVirusDB)
- rnrdb - Ribonucleotide reductase database (RNRdb)
- rsitedb - RNA binding site database (RsiteDB)
- rtkdb - Receptor tyrosine kinase database (RTKdb)
- rtprimerdb - PCR primers and probes database (RTPrimerDB)
- s_martdb - The S/MAR transaction database (S/MARtDB)
- s4 - S4 structure-based sequence alignments of SCOP superfamilies
- sabio-rk - Database for biochemical reactions and their kinetics.
- saffron_genes - Saffron genes database
- scop - Structural classification of proteins (SCOP) database
- scoppi - Structural Classification of Protein-Protein Interfaces (SCOPPI)
- scowl - Structural characterization of water, ligands and proteins (SCOWL)
- seattlesnps - SeattleSNPs variation discovery resource
- sebida - Sebida sex-biased genes
- seed - The SEED genome comparison environment
- selectome - Selectome database of positive selection
- sgd - Saccharomyces genome database (SGD)
- siena-2dpage - 2D-PAGE database from the Department of Molecular Biology, University of Siena, Italy
- signalinggateway - UCSD-Nature Signaling Gateway Molecule Pages
- silva-lsu - SILVA ribosomal RNA sequence data (large subunit)
- silva-ssu - SILVA ribosomal RNA sequence data (small subunit)
- simap - Similarity matrix of proteins (SIMAP)
- sirnadb - siRNAdb database
- sisyphus - SISYPHUS database of protein structure alignments
- sitesbase - SitesBase database
- smpdb - Small Molecule Pathway Database (SMPDB)
- smart - Simple modular architecture research tool (SMART)
- smr - A database of annotated 3D protein structure models
- snap - SNAP database of human gene variations
- snappi - SNAPPI database of structures, interfaces and alignments for protein-protein interactions
- sno_scarnabase - Small nucleolar RNA and small cajal body-specific RNA database (sno/scaRNAbase)
- snornabase - snoRNABase database of human H/ACA and C/D box snoRNAs
- snpeffect - SNPeffect database of molecular phenotyping of human SNPs and disease mutations
- snpnexus - SNPnexus database for SNP selection
- snpstr - SNPSTR databasee
- source - The Stanford online universal resource for Clones and ESTs (SOURCE)
- soybase - SoyBase soybean genome database
- spliceaid - SpliceAid database of strictly experimentally assessed target RNA sequences in humans
- splicenest - SpliceNest database
- spodobase - Spodoptera frugiperda database (SpodoBase)
- stcdb - Signal transduction classification database (STCDB)
- stitch - STITCH chemical-protein interactions
- straininfo.net - StrainInfo.net bioportal
- strepto-db - Strepto-DB comparative genomics of group A and group B streptococci
- string - STRING protein-protein interaction database
- structurallyconservedinterfaces - Structurally conserved interfaces
- sulfolobus - Sulfolobus genome database
- superdrug - SuperDrug drug database
- supfam - Superfamily database of structural and functional annotation
- superhapten - SuperHapten immunogenic compound database
- supernatural - SuperNatural natural compound database
- superscent - Superscent database of scents
- supersite - SuperSite dictionary of metabolite and drug binding sites in proteins
- supertarget-matador - SuperTarget and Matador database
- supertoxic - Supertoxic toxic compounds database
- surface - SURFACE database of protein surface patches
- swiss-2dpage - Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis database (SWISS-2DPAGE)
- swissregulon - SwissRegulon database of regulatory site annotations
- systers - SYSTERS protein family database
- systomonas - Systomonas database for systems biology of Pseudomonads
- sysznfc2h2 - C2H2 zinc finger gene database (SysZNFC2H2)
- t1dbase - Type 1 diabetes database (T1Dbase)
- taed - The adaptive evolution database (TAED)
- tair - The Arabidopsis information resource (TAIR)
- tarbase - miRNA target database (TarBase)
- tassdb - Tandem splice site database
- taxon - NCBI's taxonomic identifier
- tbmap - Mapping names in TreeBASE
- tcacycle - TCA cycle gene mutation database
- tcdb - Transport classification database
- tdr - TDR targets database
- 1000genomes - The 1000 Genomes project
- ttd - Therapeutic Target Database (TTD)
- tigr - The bacterial database(s) of The Institute of Genome Research
- tigrfams - A protein family database
- tmadb - Tissue microarray database
- tomatestdb - An EST database from multiple Tomato species
- topdb - Topology of transmembrane proteins
- topdom - Transmembrane domains and motifs
- t3db - Toxin and Toxin Target Database (T3DB)
- transdab - Database of transglutaminase substrate proteins
- transpath - TRANSPATH database
- transpogene - Transposed elements in proteins for 7 organisms
- trbase - Tandem repeats database
- treefam - Phylogenetic trees of animal genes
- trnasequences - tRNA sequences database
- tropgene-db - TropGENE database
- trsdb - TrSDB transcription factors
- tuberculist - Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv genome database
- u12db - U12-type intron database
- ucd-2dpage - University College Dublin 2-DE Proteome Database
- ucsc - UCSC genome browser
- umd-dmd - UMD-DMD France genotype-phenotype dystrophinopathy patients
- unigene - UniGene gene-oriented nucleotide sequence clusters
- unihi - Unified human interactome database
- unilib - Unified library database
- unipathway - Unipathway
- unisave - Uniprot version archive
- unists - NCBI database of sequence tagged sites
- unite - UNITE rDNA sequences from ectomycorrhizal asco- and basidiomycetes
- unitrap - UniTrap gene trap clones
- umd - Universal mutation database
- uniparc - UniProt Archive
- uniprot - Universal protein resource
- uniprotkb_swiss-prot - Universal protein resource knowledge base / Swiss-Prot
- uniprotkb_trembl - Universal protein resource knowledge base / Swiss-Prot
- uniref - Non-redundant reference (UniRef) databases
- utilldb - URGV TILLING platform databases
- utrdb - Regulatory motifs in eukaryotic UTRs
- utrsite - Regulatory motifs in eukaryotic UTRs
- vbase2 - Integrative database of germ-line V genes from the immunoglobulin loci of human and mouse
- vectorbase - Invertebrate vectors of human pathogens
- vega - Vertebrate Genome Annotation (VEGA) database
- vida - Virus Database at University College London
- virusmint - Viral protein interaction
- vsgdb - A database of trypanosomal variant surface glycoproteins
- worfdb - The C.elegans ORFeome cloning project
- world-2dpage - The world-2DPAGE database
- wormbase - Caenorhabditis elegans genome database
- world-2dpage_cgl14067-2dpage - World-wide gel-based proteomics database (CGL14067-2DPAGE)
- world-2dpage_nibr_2d-page - World-wide gel-based proteomics database (NIBR 2D-PAGE)
- world-2dpage_0003 - World-wide gel-based proteomics database (0003) for Arabidopsis thaliana leaf proteome
- world-2dpage_0004 - World-wide gel-based proteomics database (0004) for mature rat olfactory bulb
- world-2dpage_0005 - World-wide gel-based proteomics database (0005) for Botrytis cinerea mycelium cultured in carboxymethyl cellulose
- world-2dpage_0006 - World-wide gel-based proteomics database (0006) for hemolymph proteome of the honeybee
- xenbase - Xenopus laevis and tropicalis biology and genomics resource
- yeast_complexes - Yeast complexes database
- yeast-gfp - Yeast GFP fusion localization database
- yeastract - Transcriptional regulators database
- ygob - Yeast gene order browser
- ymgv - Yeast microarray global viewer
- zfin - Zebrafish information network genome database