A comprehensive IUBMB approved classification system for membrane transport proteins known as the Transporter Classification (TC) system. The TC system is analogous to the Enzyme Commission (EC) system for classification of enzymes, but incorporates phylogenetic information additionally.
Acc | DB-0135 |
Home | http://www.tcdb.org/ |
EDAM topic | Membrane protein |
EDAM topic | Protein families |
Category | Protein family/group databases |
Taxon | all |
Data | Format | Query | Link |
Protein report (membrane protein) {TCDB entry} | HTML | TCID | http://www.tcdb.org/tcdb/index.php?tc=%s |
Data | Format | Query | Example |
Protein report (membrane protein) {TCDB entry} | HTML | TCID | 1.A.1.2.3 |