Comparative genometrics (CG) database

Devoted to the characterization of complete chromosome sequences by standardized genometric methods, the Comparative Genometrics website displays for sequenced genomes, three different genometric analyses: the DNA walk and the GC and TA skews during the initial phase. Although primarly focused on prokaryotic chromosomes, the CG website posts genometric information on paradigm plasmids, phages, viruses, and organelles.

EDAM topicComparative genomics
EDAM topicChromosomes
EDAM topicNucleic acid structure

Available data

Data Format Query Link
Nucleic acid structure report {Nucleotide skews page} HTML NCBI genome accession
Nucleic acid structure report {Nucleotide skews data} Text NCBI genome accession

Example queries

Data Format Query Example
Nucleic acid structure report {Nucleotide skews page} HTML NCBI genome accession NC_000913
Nucleic acid structure report {Nucleotide skews data} Text NCBI genome accession NC_000913