Regulatory motifs in eukaryotic UTRs

UTResource collect data and analysis tool for the functional classification of 5' and 3'UTRs of eukaryotic mRNAs.

EDAM topicTranscription
EDAM topicNucleic acid functional sites
EDAM topicSequence motifs
EDAM topicmRNA, EST or cDNA

Available data

Data Format Query Link
Gene annotation {UTR report} HTML Locus ID (UTR) http://utrdb.ba.itb.cnr.it/getutr/%s
Gene annotation {UTR report} HTML UTR accession http://utrdb.ba.itb.cnr.it/getutra/%s
Gene annotation {UTR gene report} HTML UTRdb taxon; Gene symbol http://utrdb.ba.itb.cnr.it/getgene/%s1/%s2
Gene annotation {UTR full report} HTML Locus ID (UTR) http://utrdb.ba.itb.cnr.it/getutr/%s/1
Gene annotation {UTR full report} HTML UTR accession http://utrdb.ba.itb.cnr.it/getutra/%s/1
Gene annotation {UTR full report} HTML UTR accession http://utrdb.ba.itb.cnr.it/getutra/BA064434/1
Gene annotation {UTR full gene report} HTML UTRdb taxon; Gene symbol http://utrdb.ba.itb.cnr.it/getgene/%s1/%s2/1

Example queries

Data Format Query Example
Gene annotation {UTR report} HTML UTR accession CR478594
Gene annotation {UTR full report} HTML UTR accession CR478594
Gene annotation {UTR full report} HTML UTR accession CR478594
Gene annotation {UTR report} HTML Locus ID (UTR) 3HSAR031240
Gene annotation {UTR full report} HTML Locus ID (UTR) 3HSAR031240
Gene annotation {UTR gene report} HTML UTRdb taxon; Gene symbol hs;MDM2
Gene annotation {UTR full gene report} HTML UTRdb taxon; Gene symbol hs;MDM2